Beaver Field


Access is from Hampden Lane, a one-way road accessed via Hampden Road. Take Hampden Road from Beaver Road then turn right halfway down (also Hampden Road). Hampden Lane is at the end. There is also foot access from Rigden Road (see map above). Turn down Cade Road from Kingsnorth Road, then right at the bottom. The entrance is just past the last house on the right. You can also park here and walk the short distance round to the Hampden Lane entrance.

Soil and situation

Like many Ashford sites, there are trees round the boundary, but this site is still broadly speaking a sunny one. Some plots, however, are more shaded than others; be sure to check this when looking at the site. The soil is on the riverside alluvium and, though it can be wet in rainy weather, it is looser and easier to work than many of the clay sites.
Below is the plan of plots from the Council. Every effort will be made to keep it up to date but minor changes may occur over time. The padlock symbols indicate entrance gates. The one at the bottom is the entrance from Hampden Lane: the ones on the side come in from Rigden Road.